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CO2 Earth trackers and graphics are available from Show.Earth for use under a Creative Commons licence: Attribution – No Derivatives (CC BY-ND) 4.0 International.  Guidance is provided below as additional information for users.  You may also contact us for clarification or to obtain permissions not covered by the licence.  


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Works at are produced primarily to facilitate and expand learning about the earth.  Attribution to CO2.Earth advances this purpose by linking graphics and images to contextual information for information and works produced or distributed via Show.Earth.


Digital Objects


Attribution is provided when graphics, images and source code are used ‘as is.’


Physical Reproductions


Attribtion is provided when a web widget graphic is physically reproduced ‘as is’:

  1. with a CO2.Earth wordmark or QR code previously incorporated into the design of the graphic, or
  2. by distributing the graphic with attribution via text, a URL or QR Code provided adjacent to the graphic; attribution should be given to CO2.Earth or alternatively, Show.Earth, Pro Oxygen, or Michael McGee.


Data Source


Data incorporated into works have been placed in the public domain by Scripps Institution of Oceanography, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration or other scientific institutions.  Source data is not covered by the Show.Earth Creative Commons licence.  Attribution to these independent sources is found at the website.