Drew Monkman is a retired teacher, author of three books, photographer, guide, presenter, and recorder of local nature observations. He is a passionate advocate for learning about and from the natural world and its myriad connections from the smallest microbes in our soils to the composition of the atmosphere which envelopes our vibrant, living planet.
On October 22, 2021, Drew began adding a CO2 tracker to the nature column he writes for most Friday editions of The Peterborough Examiner, a daily newspaper serving readers in Eastern Ontario, Canada. Graphics for the tracker are produced by the small team that operates the CO2.Earth and Show.Earth websites. If you would like your city or neighbourhood newspaper to add this CO2 tracker each week, let the editor know with a link to the CO2 graphic used by Drew Monkman.
On the subject of keeping CO2 levels visible, Drew shared this:
My column helps readers connect with our local and regional environment. Here in the Peterborough area, in the Kawartha's, people are noticing the effects of climate change. I photograph the birds, animals and plants that are all around us, and I write about what is happening and changing each season, year and decade.
The CO2 trackers helps people see more. They bring the global part of this picture into plainer view. Like a stock market summary, the updates for CO2 levels in the atmosphere allow my readers to quickly check the bigger trend behind our changing climate and the impacts. The CO2 trackers provide readers a regular reminder of a part of the picture that is important but not so plain to see. They are simple and uncluttered, and the information they deliver each week is very connected to the people, places and wildlife which I hope will benefit in some way from the writing and images I share in the paper and on my website.
With the links that follow, you are invited to learn more about Drew Monkman's work, The Peterborough Examiner and usage of CO2 trackers in Eastern Ontario, Canada.
Print samples from The Peterborough Examiner
Jan 7 2022 The Peterborough Examiner (pp. B10-11) A Christmas tradition: Counting birds (2 full pages)
Jan 7 2022 The Peterborough Examiner (p. B10) A Christmas tradition: Counting birds (CO2 Tracker closeup)
Nov 12 2021 The Peterborough Examiner (p. C5) A look at the annual winter finch forecast (full page)
Nov 12 2021 The Peterborough Examiner (p. C5) A look at the annual winter finch forecast (CO2 Tracker closeup)
Tracking CO2 on the Drew Monkman homepage
In addition to the newspaper column, Drew Monkman keeps visitors to the drewmonkman.com homepage current on the global level and trend for CO2 in the atmosphere. He does this by embedding the self-updating Weekly CO2 Tracker widget by Show.Earth and CO2.Earth.
General links
The Peterborough Examiner Digital homepage
drewonkman.com Our changing seasons (home page)
CO2 trackers for readers & editors
Show.Earth CO2 for newspaper readers
Show.Earth CO2 for newspaper editors